Mantrayana, the vehicle of mantra

Wonderful! I feel especially drawn to mantra, and find it helps me in many ways in many situations. This is a beautiful and helpful overview/encapsulation. I’ll be referring to this post a lot.

Great Middle Way

kaikei-amida-todaiji-web-photo-nara-natl-museumWhen we lack certainty, and when our understanding of the Dharma is inadequate, we require complex and difficult practices. However, since all that we do has as its objective to separate the mind from cognitive and affective stains, why not do so directly?

With mantra, we can protect (trayati) the mind (manas) at all times. Since the mind is naturally pure, clear, and peaceful, Buddha Nature spontaneously manifests. We can recite:

Refuge mantras upon waking and whenever we feel alone

  • namo gurave namo buddhaya namo dharmaya namo sanghaya

Purification mantras while bathing, washing, cleaning, eliminating, and before sleep

  • om vajrasattva hum
  • om vajrasattva samayam anupalaya…(100 syllable mantra)

Healing mantras when we take care of the body, and whenever we drink water, apply therapies, or take remedies

  • om ah hum amideva ayu-siddhi hum
  • tayatha om bhekandze bhekandze maha-bhekandze radza samudgate so’ha

Rebirth mantras before meals, and whenever…

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